Aletheia, Greek goddess of truth.

Does Kindness Without Truth Equate Kindness at All?

We know that truth can be painful to deliver and receive, and when relying on the truth to be kind we cannot guarantee to please and we will surely cause distress. But we decide what our motivations are and to what end.


To Be Good, We Cannot Be Harmless

The act of being good implies adhering to a high standard of moral conduct. At first it may bring to mind someone who is selfless, gentle, caring and incessantly agreeable. True goodness, however, demands of us a number of more complex and at times, thorny obligations.

Circumstance, Meaning, Virtue

Defiance in the Face of Adversity

Our surrounding conditions have the ability to consume us. It is incredibly difficult to fight against relentless and seemingly expanding gloom without being defeated. When we are choking on imposed misery, what are we capable of doing that isn’t a degenerative reaction to adversity.