Edward Moran, 1893, Life Saving Patrol
Circumstance, Mind

There Is Something You Can Do

What can we do on the days when we can’t get a handle on negative emotions? Sometimes, the best we can hope for, is not to ruin another person’s day. With quotes from Malik, Aurelius & more.

Jules Bastien-Lepage,1873, Diogenes

The Cowardly Cynic

Are the cynics of the world bold realisers of truth? Or do they actually just lack the real courage it takes to have hope? With quotes from Wilde & more.

Vincent van Gogh, 1890, Prisoners' Round
Mind, Virtue

We Choose Behaviour that Benefits Us

You often hear people say things like ‘I’ve always been a passive person, it’s just who I am’, as though they are prisoners to their personality. But what if we participate in inadequate behaviour, in truth, because it benefits us in a way we don’t care to admit? Quotes from Walser & more.

Walter Firle, 1929, The Fairy Tale
Meaning, Mind

Don’t Like Reading? Do It Anyway

Why should we read, even if we don’t particularly like it? Similar to physical exercise, reading is useful and necessary because of what it gives us and what it takes for us to participate. With quotes from Voltaire, Johnson & more

Honoré Daumie, 2nd third of 19th century, The Painter
Meaning, Mind

Creativity for the Cautious

Creativity isn’t something everyone engages with; usually because we’re afraid of doing it wrong. With quotes from Carter, Nietzsche & more.

Albrecht Dürer, 1508, Praying Hands
Meaning, Mind

A Prayer from the Unresolved

If you aren’t certain of God’s existence, or what God even means, what would bring you to pray? With quotes from Dostoevsky, Coleridge & Duffy.

Edvard Munch, 1893, The Scream

How Can You Describe Derealization

To experience the world through a pane of glass. To reach out and not be able to touch anything or anyone around you. To feel like a stranger in your own home. A brief account of Derealization. With quotes from Milton & Bronte

Frederic William Burton, 1840, In Joyce Country

Walking with Worry

With all this noise we fail to see anything around us. We cannot see the sun shining in the clear blue sky or feel the new touch of warmth in the breeze. As if with a message, a loud series of short, sharp calls suddenly come from overhead.

Circumstance, Mind

Boundaries Worth Protecting

We so deeply need people that we often forget the importance of boundaries. But what are we giving up in surrendering our boundaries? Quotes from G. Fisher & more.

Pablo Picasso, 1937, Weeping Woman
Mind, Virtue

Our Emotions Are Ours to Control

When emotions take over, they tend to make us slightly pitiful around the edges. We need to develop a parent to control the toddler. Quotes from Wilde, Nietzsche & more.